Final Essay/Creative Writing Topics and Musings
Choose a prompt and create!

Option 1: Essay Thoughts
There is the intriguing perspective on September's situation offered by the Green Wind - specifically, his belief that where she is in her life, and in this particular circumstance, is the result of her own choices rather than those of others. It's important to note that he attaches no blame or praise, no condemnation or reward to his statement - he is presenting a statement of fact, a defining of September's situation in terms of personal responsibility.
1. Do you think every person has arrived at their present moment due to their own personal choices? Why or why not? Use examples from your life and the text to support your answer.
2. Discuss two choices September made that put her in at least two situations in Fairyland. Use examples from your life and the text to support your answer.
3. What does his belief say about our lives outside of Fairyland? Is everyone in control of what happens to them? Discuss your thoughts on situations where people have a choice over their futures, as well as those who do not. What can be done?
Option 2: Book Talk
Catherynne M. Valente's storytelling transports her readers into another world, for good or bad. Her word choice and writing style have a voice all their own. Now use your own voice, and create a book talk for The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland. What was done well? What did you like? What did you find challenging? How does September's story relate to real life? What challenges socially do the people of Pandemonium face? The video should be a minute and thirty seconds. Include a separate rationale for your findings in a short paragraph.
See reviews on Youtube and other platforms for inspiration, and get creative!
Dramatis Personae
At the start of the text, Valente lists her characters and their role in the book. How do these characters change over time? How are they portrayed in the book? From know Know, Wonder, Think observations of the characters, create an illustration or character profile of sorts that brings a character into today's world, and into the halls of your middle school. What struggles would they face? How would they dress? How would students see them? Create an illustration (any media) and an explanation of your rendition of the character. Take into mind Valente's original descriptions of the characters-- what do they say about their roles? Any character is possible.